Artist: Cao Xin, Chen Nong, Qiu Mingye, Feng Fangyu, Hao Yun, Laurence Chellali, Lian Dongya, Ma Kang, Sun Hongbin, Sylvie Denet, Zhang Bojun, Zhang Hua, Zhang Moliu, Zhang Weixing, Zhou Hongbin, Zhu Cunwei, Zhu Hao
    Duration: 2023.8.12 - 9.10 / 10:00-18:00 Daily Open
    Venue: OFOTO&ANART, 2F, Bldg.13, 50 Moganshan Rd., Shanghai, China

    InscriptionDraw a palm print between thought and reality.

    by Chen Haiyan

    When today's art cannot provide us with reliable beliefs or sufficient comfort, can the individual efforts and labor of artists, or more truly, a craft after various dimension reduction strikes, be used to dispel the hidden things that we are unwilling or unable to face in our hearts? Obviously, such sentence structures and logic may become another target of attack, as a vicious cycle in low-class mutual harm.

    If the aesthetics in art still exist, it is acknowledged that the perspective of aesthetics is always beyond the boundaries of rationality, and the dopamine stimulated by the art of free play is more likely to produce a sense of freedom and pleasure in the brain; So, as those of us who have always wandered in our native language world, it is so difficult that we can only follow in the queue of kitsch, repeatedly cheering for "yyds" and "Jue Jue Zi", becoming another explosive phenomenon of "dopamine dressing" in the social landscape, achieving a colorful and meaningless sense of freedom. Unfortunately, a sufficiently strong rationality makes us constantly doubt the core and structure of this pleasure game itself, informing us that the underlying psychological mechanism behind is "enclothed cognition". Of course, the "cloth" here can be generalized into packages, decorations, fake clothes, logos, and other fragile outer skins of people known as "naked apes". As for people, it is enough to mention Foucault's statement that "people will be erased, like the image of a face on a beach by the sea", which is sentimental enough. The uniqueness of human beings lies in their ability to realize their eternal tragic fate. Similarly, not daring to face up to this tragic fate also lacks the possibility of aesthetics. Because the purpose of aesthetics is to achieve, difficultly, the essence of human existence.

    For this purpose, the exhibition selects some of the previously exhibited works by the gallery's collaborating artists. Although old works, they are assembled into a selected reprint through imaginative understanding between their different attributes and styles, giving the artist and everyone a chance to re-reflect. Looking back and examining, provide an opportunity to return to the boundaries of rationality, Hegel once used the illusory privilege of language to say, "The owls of Minerva only take off at dusk.

                                                                     Summer Night  2023